I was inspired to make this award today because I got to thinking about those I know that often give to others. They share their talent and they often give out freebies. I am sure most do not realize how important it is to some of the scrappers and taggers out there. That might not be able to enjoy doing this wonderful hobby with out those freebies... Because of there of incomes being so low. But they do help a lot of taggers and scrappers that truly need it..
There is only one RULE.. Please Pass it to 8 people that you know helps others by sharing their wonderful talent.. They do not have to be from the USA just cause it says American Spirit..
I award this to
Von http://soaringhawksnest.blogspot.com/
Linda http://lindasdreamdesigns.blogspot.com/
Skye http://skyesdesigns.blogspot.com/
BlueDreams http://bluedreamdesigns.blogspot.com/
Shellez http://shellezcreations.blogspot.com/
Katelyn http://katelynnsdesigns.blogspot.com/
Ali's Designs http://designsbyali.blogspot.com/
EAL http://ealdesigns2.blogspot.com/