Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Thanks For Visiting my Blog

I want you all to know that I appreciate all of you that take time to visit my blog.
I never fool myself I know some designers are way better than me.  But I still love to create things and share the things I make.  PSP is like a therapy for me. It truly has helped me through a lot the last 10 years.  

 I really appreciate everyone that enjoys my kits and downloads them. Whether you leave a comment or not I truly appreciate your visiting my Blog. I do send a big Thank You to the ones that take the time to leave a comment. Your comments are greatly appreciated and help to inspire me to keep creating for you.  I may not answer each one but I do read every comment  that is posted.

 I don't always get around to answering is because On Days I am feeling up to it,  I am usually in Paint Shop trying to create something new for you.  I am always working on  several different ideas at the same time.  I have really gotten into trying to create things from scratch. It is not an easy task you often sendt stuff to the trash bin. But I keep plugging away at it. 

So I end this By Saying a Big Thanks to all of you visit my page and download my stuff. You inspire me to keep creating and offering you my things. 

Sincerely, Babs C

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Here is a Add on to go with my Liberty and Freedom Kit. I was just playing around and once I had it made I decided to share it with everyone. Enjoy
